SPARQL Result for Associations (Compositions)

type_of_member_end_2 name_of_member_end_1 type_of_member_end_1 upper_of_member_end_1 description is_proteus_child
ActuatingSystem ControlledActuator ControlledActuator 1 The ControlledActuator of the ActuatingSystem. true
ActuatingSystem Positioner Positioner 1 The Positioner of the ActuatingSystem. true
ActuatingSystem ShutOffValveReference ShutOffValveReference 1 The ShutOffValveReference of the ActuatingSystem. true
Agitator Rotor AgitatorRotor 1 The rotor of the Agitator. true
AirCoolingSystem Rotor HeatExchangerRotor 1 The rotor of the AirCoolingSystem. true
AirEjector Impellers Impeller * The impellers of the AirEjector. true
AxialCompressor Impellers Impeller * The impellers of the AxialCompressor. true
CentrifugalCompressor Impellers Impeller * The impellers of the CentrifugalCompressor. true
CentrifugalPump Impellers Impeller * The impellers of the CentrifugalPump. true
ChamberOwner Chambers Chamber * The Chambers of the ChamberOwner. true
ColumnSection Internals ColumnInternalsArrangement 1 The ColumnInternalsArrangement of the ColumnSection. true
ElectricHeater TubeBundle TubeBundle 1 The tube bundle of the ElectricHeater. true
GasFilter FilterUnit FilterUnit 1 The filter unit of the GasFilter. true
LiquidFilter FilterUnit FilterUnit 1 The filter unit of the LiquidFilter. true
Mixer MixingElementAssemblies MixingElementAssembly * The mixing element assemblies of the Mixer, if applicable. true
NozzleOwner Nozzles Nozzle * The nozzles of the NozzleOwner. true
PipingNetworkSegment Connections PipingConnection * The connections of the PipingNetworkSegment. false
PipingNetworkSegment Items PipingNetworkSegmentItem * The items of the PipingNetworkSegment. true
PipingNetworkSystem PropertyBreaks PropertyBreak * The PropertyBreaks of the PipingNetworkSystem. true
PipingNetworkSystem Segments PipingNetworkSegment * The segments of the PipingNetworkSystem. true
PipingNodeOwner Nodes PipingNode * The PipingNodes of the PipingNodeOwner. false
Plant ActuatingSystems ActuatingSystem * The ActuatingSystems of the Plant. false
Plant InstrumentationLoopFunctions InstrumentationLoopFunction * The InstrumentationLoopFunctions of the Plant. false
Plant PipingNetworkSystems PipingNetworkSystem * The PipingNetworkSystems of the Plant. false
Plant ProcessInstrumentationFunctions ProcessInstrumentationFunction * The ProcessInstrumentationFunctions of the Plant. false
Plant ProcessSignalGeneratingSystems ProcessSignalGeneratingSystem * The ProcessSignalGeneratingSystems of the Plant. false
Plant TaggedPlantItems TaggedPlantItem * The TaggedPlantItems of the Plant. false
PlantModel MetaData MetaData 1 Meta data about the PlantModel. false
PlantModel Plant Plant 1 The engineering content of the PlantModel. false
PlantModel StructureItems PlantStructureItem * The plant structures of the PlantModel false
ProcessColumn ColumnSections SubTaggedColumnSection * The column sections of the ProcessColumn. true
ProcessInstrumentationFunction ActuatingFunctions ActuatingFunction * The ActuatingFunctions that are part of this ProcessInstrumentationFunction. true
ProcessInstrumentationFunction ProcessSignalGeneratingFunctions ProcessSignalGeneratingFunction * The ProcessSignalGeneratingFunctions that are part of this ProcessInstrumentationFunction. true
ProcessInstrumentationFunction SignalConveyingFunctions SignalConveyingFunction * The SignalConveyingFunctions that are part of this ProcessInstrumentationFunction. true
ProcessSignalGeneratingSystem PrimaryElement PrimaryElement 1 The PrimaryElement of the ProcessSignalGeneratingSystem. true
ProcessSignalGeneratingSystem Transmitter Transmitter 1 The Transmitter of the ProcessSignalGeneratingSystem. true
ReciprocatingCompressor Displacers Displacer * The displacers of the ReciprocatingCompressor. true
ReciprocatingPump Displacers Displacer * The displacers of the ReciprocatingPump. true
RotaryCompressor Displacers Displacer * The displacers of the RotaryCompressor. true
RotaryPump Displacers Displacer * The displacers of the RotaryPump. true
ShellAndTubeHeatExchanger TubeBundle TubeBundle 1 The tube bundle of the ShellAndTubeHeatExchanger. true
SpecialCompressor CompressorEquipmentItems CompressorEquipment * The compressor equipment items of the SpecialCompressor. true
SpecialPump PumpEquipmentItems PumpEquipment 1 The pump equipment items of the SpecialPump. true
ThinFilmEvaporator Rotor HeatExchangerRotor 1 The rotor of the ThinFilmEvaporator. true